Sunday, November 27, 2016

November 28-December 2

I hope you had a wonderful long weekend and had a chance to spend some quality time relaxing and enjoying the company of others!

You can pick up your child's Square 1 artwork at the family night on December 8th by the music room.

Here is a link to our new homework calendar.

Upcoming Events:

  • November 28: Wear Packer gear
  • December 8: Pajama Day AND Family Night: PJ's and Publishing
  • December 6: Kaukauna Christmas Parade
    • Students and families are welcome to join the NDLC float. More information will be coming soon! 
  • December 13: No School
  • December 14: Wear your favorite college gear!
  • December 22: Wear holiday colors!

As readers, we will supercharge our pointer power this week. We will learn that while you are pointing, you can:
  • Point under the first letter of the word. 
  • Get your mouth ready for the 1st sound. 
  • Stop and check, is your finger under the right word?  
All of these skills will help readers as they get into the challenging work of figuring out a word by using the letter sounds. Try using these prompts at home to help your growing reader!

**Please send the book bag back to school every day to exchange the books!

Writing: This week, writers will continue to work on adding sounds to words, creating detailed pictures, and adding beginnings to stories. As students write, they are working so hard to stretch out words focusing on the vowels in the middle, put sight words down quickly, and remember spaces. This is some hard work! Remember to praise the efforts you see when writing comes home.

We will continue to work heavily on adding and subtracting as it is a new and sometimes difficult concept! Students will begin to explore partner numbers using a break apart stick.
  • Students will draw math pictures as illustrations for a poem book that teaches about the +1 pattern in numbers 1-10.
  • Mathematicians will illustrate a poem book that teaches about the -1 pattern in numbers 1-10.
  • We will learn more about adding and subtracting using cubes and a ‘break apart stick’. For instance, seeing 00 l 000 as 2+3=5.
  • Students will practice building a number with tiles, taking a tile away, and writing the equation to match. 

Word Study:  Students are working hard to find their sight words in their new reading books. The new sight words for this week are: come, like, look, my, to.

Science: Scientists will investigate mammals and fur. Our read aloud books and discussions will focus on camouflage, mammals, fur, and fur that is used as protection. Did you know that a porcupine quill is actually a modified hair? We will look at fur under a magnifying glass, create animals using stamps and rubbing plates, and play a camouflage game.

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