Monday, October 3, 2016

October 3-7

On Monday, look for your child’s homework calendar in his/her folder! These homework calendars will come home at the beginning of each month. These calendars give you the flexibility to do the activities when you have time during the week. Even the little ones have busy schedules! In addition to the daily activities, please read to your child each night or listen to your child read aloud so they can practice the new reading skills they are learning in the classroom.

Here is the link to the October lunch menu.

Future Family Night invites and RSVPs will be sent via email with a link to a google form.
On October 18th, we will host Grandparents, Goodies and Games from 6:00-7:00PM.  Please RSVP using this link.  Please only respond once per family.

Upcoming Events:
  • October 3: PSC Meeting 6:00
  • October 24-Oct 26: Red Ribbon Week 
    • Mon. Oct. 24:  Wear "Red, White, and Blue” …I Elect to be Drug Free!!
    • Tues. Oct. 25:  Wear “Active Wear/Sweats”…Stay active and be drug free!!
    • Wed. Oct. 26:   District Wide Wear ”RED DAY”… Unite against drugs!!
  • October 27 and 28: No School for Students
  • November 10 and November 15: Portfolio Conferences


Reading: Today, we had a celebration to mark the end of our first reading unit.Check it out using this link! Students have worked so hard to learn to retell their old favorite storybooks using the exact words from the book, sounding like the characters, and using connecting words to keep the story going. As we continue to work in these "Old Favorites" in our next unit, we will learn to use the pictures and words to really think about how the character might be feeling and what they are thinking. These colorful stories provide a great base to begin that comprehension work with our emerging readers!

Writing: We are now writing true stories! Students will learn to plan their story across pages, add more details in pictures and words, and add speech bubbles to their writing. At home, you could help your child generate ideas to write about! Practice telling the story orally and asking questions to add more details. This helps students to write more vivid stories. Oral storytelling is a key component in the writing process and will help students to get their ideas on to the page. Here is how Kindergarteners are taught to think about the writing process:

 Pretty amazing work for these young writers!

Math: There are four new centers this week:

  1. Students will sort pictures that show different quantities of animals. The pictures show groups of 2,3,4,or 5 animals. After sorting, the students will draw their own pictures that they can sort.
  2. Students will use unifix cubes that link together to compare numbers. They will use language such as “Five is more than three because the five tower is taller than the three tower. " 
  3. We will play the Hidden Number Game with a partner. Partner 1 chooses 4 cards from a deck of 1-10. He/She places them in counting order and flips one card over. Partner 2 decides what the hidden number is. They flip the card over to check!
  4. Students will practice forming numbers using an app on our classroom iPads. 

Word Study: We will begin learning some sight words this week.  We will focus on 5 new sight words every two weeks.  Our words for the next two weeks are: I, a, the, is, and. We have four stations that students rotate around throughout the week.
  1. In a game called “I have, Who has”, students will identify letters and/or their sounds. One student will have a card that says, “I have ‘A’. Who has ‘F’?” The student with ‘F’ will say “I have ‘F’. Who has ‘M’?” And so on. 
  2. Students will play Boggle to work on letter recognition and simple sight words.
  3.  Students will use highlighters to identify certain letters on a page. Page one will ask the students to highlight all of the ‘A’s they see and so on. 
  4. We will use an iPad app called "Gappy" to work on letters and their sounds.

Social Studies: After learning about who the different school community helpers are, we will start to interview some of these helpers to learn exactly who they are and what they do at our school. We will be conducting interviews with Mrs. Geoffery (our school nurse), Mrs. Mitchell (our Administrative Assistant in the office), and Mrs. Frischmann (our principal). Then, the students will create books based on what we learned! We are excited to start this project!

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