Sunday, October 30, 2016

October 31-November 4

Today, we will celebrate by dressing in orange and black and doing flashlight reading in buddy classrooms. We will also share a snack with Ms. Linton's class and end our day with an all school story and dance in the gym!

Notes from the PSC:  

  • The Fall Book Fair is coming! Please sign up to help set up, cashier, or clean up! Slots are only 30 minutes in length to accommodate parent schedules with conferences. Feel free to sign up for more than one slot if you would like. Sign up at... Email with questions!
  • Show appreciation for the NDLC staff by bringing an item or two    For their conference meals. We'll be providing for for our teachers plus support staff and specialists. Thursday, Nov. 10th will be a Taco Bar and Tuesday, Nov. 15th will be Soup and Sandwiches. Please sign up to contribute at...

Upcoming Events:

  • October 31: Orange and Black Day
  • October 31-November 8: All District Food Drive
  • November 10: Conferences 4-7:30pm
  • November 11: Red, White and Blue Day
  • November 15: Conferences 4-7:30pm
  • November 17: 1/2 day- 11:30 dismissal
  • November 18: Wisconsin Badger Day
  • November 23-25: No School 
Reading: Last week, Reader Man left a note and pointers for our readers! They have been working hard to amp up their pointer power. Readers will learn that every word, no matter how long, gets just one point! We will also use our sight words to make sure we are pointing correctly in our books. 

Writing: Writers will work on adding sight words to their books and writing pattern books. These pattern books might sound like "I see a yellow leaf. I see a green leaf. etc." These books help students focus on adding descriptive words and spaces to their writing. 

Math: We will continue to practice telling addition and subtraction math stories. Students will also learn about equal and not equal.

  1. Students will be working on writing numbers and showing the numbers in a drawing using activity pages from the Math Expressions book.
  2. Using activity pages from the Math Expressions book, students will tell math stories for addition and subtraction.

  1. We will be showing numbers in a ten frame. They will create the dots with bingo dotters. This is great for visualizing numbers and finding partners!

  1. Students will be building numbers and comparing them using 5-groups tiles and number cards.

Social Studies: After introducing the new social studies centers, students will have a chance to work in each center this week. Students will create building block structures of where our school community helpers work. We will create webs that describe the work of the school community helpers. Finally, students will look at an assortment of pictures, determine the problem, and decide which community helper(s) could be called to fix the problem!

Word Work: We will continue to work with here, can, we, it, and me. 

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